Case studies


Yutree has been lucky to work with Jane since January 2023. She has delivered monthly workshops to our staff and offers additional support in the form of 1:1 coaching session, which always take place whilst on the move! The workshops are engaging and informative and Jane takes a holistic approach to wellbeing, covering topics such as sleep, hydration, movement and hormones plus a whole lot more! She is a fantastic motivator and offers practical tips and suggestions to improve health and wellbeing whilst clearly explaining the science behind it. Jane has quickly become an important part of the Yutree family and we are excited to continue working with her.

Laura Hancock
  |  Managing Director Yutree Insurance 

Here’s what the staff think…

We were lucky enough to have Jane run a number of wellbeing sessions in our office and she was brilliant!  A great presenter, she is really engaging with a style that felt she was talking in a chat with you directly not just to a group. We all took different things away from the sessions which have definitely helped us. For me it was the talks around nutrition and hydration and helping me gain a bit of confidence to take the plunge with open water swimming.

Also for a peri-menopausal woman, to have the subject openly discussed with no judgement or negative comment, was a breath of fresh air. Every business should sign up for Jane’s wellbeing courses!

Heritage Wills 

At Heritage Wills we accepted Jane’s kind offer to deliver some workshops for our staff to support their health and well-being. 

The workshops were split into appropriately sized groups (allowing for social distancing) and lasted about 45 minutes. Despite a cross range of ages, it was taken to well by all. 

Following on from these Jane started to mentor four individuals on a weekly basis and whilst the nature of what is discussed is confidential I am aware that each session was unique to the particular individual’s needs. Jane’s sessions always take place on the move with a walk to the local park or whilst doing yoga.  This is great as it means our staff are also being active in their 1:1 mentoring sessions with Jane.

Without exception, we have seen a positive response from everyone that has taken part, each person appears rejuvenated and this has definitely led to an increase in the output of work from each individual. The proof of this from us is that now the trial period has ended we have decided to continue working with Jane on a weekly basis. The four individuals have all expressed delight at this decision and we will be adding more people to the programme over the next few weeks. 

Stuart Burrell
  |  Managing Director Heritage Wills

Here’s what some members of staff thought…

“Jane is a great motivator and I really feel that she has listened to me and 
helped me come up with ways to become more active through yoga sessions that I can fit in around my day. I have also incorporated a day of plant based 
meals to my diet each week with the help of some recipes that Jane sent over
 to me to get me started. I have loved my sessions so far, Jane is a kind and 
very supportive person who makes you feel at ease whilst helping you to
 create achievable goals for you to become a healthier and happier version of yourself. I feel that the changes I have made with her are maintainable and
 have made me feel better in myself both physically and mentally.”

Shayne Barton

I was a little sceptical at the beginning when Jane came to visit our workplace as I hadn’t attended a session like this before. However, I had just had a health scare and her encouragement and motivation to reassess and make lifestyle changes was brilliant. Since having sessions with Jane I have become much more active, changed my eating habits and stuck to them, which is a first. Jane is very helpful and will send you links or podcasts which she feels could help in regards to the areas you are working on which feels good as it shows she really does care about the people she is working with. I’m not sure any of the changes I have implemented would have gone so well without the sessions. I feel healthier than I did before and really appreciate all the help she has given me over the course of our sessions, it really has made a big difference to me. I would highly recommend Jane if you need some help becoming healthier and happier.

Hayleigh Thornhill

Compass For Life and the British Army 

Compass For Life has brought together an Elite Team of Navigators to coach and mentor the Initial Training Group (HQ ITG) trainers who are responsible for the training of up to 7,000 recruits annually in the British Army.

Jane was invited in to share her journey and expertise in bringing together her mental and physical resilience to be the healthiest and happiest version of herself.

Talking to the group about sleep, hydration, nutrition, movement, me time and hormones (particularly women’s) has seen impressive outcomes for the groups she has presented to.

Here’s what others thought.

One of the best speakers I have ever seen.

Andy Moss | Leadership Development Manager at CDS Defence & Security 

I would just like to thank you for today, your presentation skills are outstanding, and your personality that of a very interseting one.

Leon | British Army Soldier

Thank you again for the talk you gave to our recruits a few weeks ago, they were so taken back that you took time from your day to talk to them! The transformation since is incredible, they are all passing all the tests. Many of the young girls are wanting to train harder there confidence has sky rocketed and they all make much better choices in the cookhouse and drinking plenty of water and that’s down to you!

Corporal T Peters |  British Army 

Hörmann (UK) Ltd 

Staff Welfare has always been a priority at Hörmann UK, but the onset of COVID and all its ramifications has presented all of us with a raft of new challenges.

Staff mental and physical wellbeing is a key concern and with the majority of office staff working from home, our pastoral care has been made that much harder.

As a business we decided to engage external help and hence the approach to Jane and Healthier Happier You. Offering both individual and group sessions.

Jane has become an integral part of our business in a very short period of time. Her natural enthusiasm and energy is infectious and coupled with her deep knowledge of improving the happiness and morale of workplaces, the results are impressive.

Despite some expected scepticism, she is now working with all departments and her work is truly valued. Thank you Jane for all your hard work, support and positivity and we look forward to our continued journey ahead.

Wolfgang Gorner |  Managing Director Hörmann (UK) Ltd.


Norwich High School for Girls 

In addition to the outstanding pastoral care provided at Norwich high by staff and peer mentors alike we have recently reached out to Jane Hannah and Healthier Happier You for a bespoke well-being after school club.  We discussed aims and objectives for the programme and the additional mental well-being tools pupils needed in this current climate. I would highly recommend Jane and her programme to any school looking to boost their provision.

Every pupil in Year 8 and 9 now has the opportunity to access staff, peer mentors, specialist provision in form of nurse, counsellor or external agency partnerships like Healthier Happier You.


Helen Dolding |  Deputy Head Pastoral  – Norwich High School for Girls

Here’s what some of the girls thought…

The Healthier Happier You program has helped my mental health awareness and to stay calm.  In particular, it has helped me to stay healthy by giving me fun ways to begin to drink more, sleep better and to keep calm in situations where you would want to get angry.  It has taught me that being healthy and happy is about the state of mind.

Lisa, Year 8 student

Healthier Happier You has helped me create a new way of helping me deal with when I am upset, stressed or dehydrated.  It has taught me that being relaxed and mindful can help a lot with my mental health.

Laila, Year 8 student

I have thought about things before I did them and that has made me not as angry and I feel calmer.

Florence, Year 8 student

City College Norwich  

Just to say a huge thank you for yesterday, everyone I have spoken to has said how much they enjoyed your session; your approach and accessibility. They have all come away with a nugget of something- a resounding success.

Thank you

Ruth Jarvis-Easter |  Head of Teaching and Learning Development  – City College Norwich 

Hansells AGM Norwich 

Jane Hannah’s presentation was one of the best I have seen about focusing on “you”, really made me think, thank you.

I really enjoyed Jane’s session. From someone that suffers quite badly at times with anxiety etc having useful tools with how to better look after yourself will all help and have knock on effects. Every little helps, I don’t drink enough water, coffee fuelled! 

I found it interesting and inspiring and was great to relay info.  I also relayed it to my dear mum as its good for her and she finds it interesting and its good to pass on info that can help her health also.

I’ve just completed a brilliant 5 week programme with wellbeing mentor Jane Hannah, Healthier Happier You.  Jane offers a unique approach to finding more time to relax and rest, improve sleep and reduce anxiety levels.  We took weekly walks and Jane motivated me to make tiny changes that have made a big difference.

Lucy Marks

Jane really helped me to focus on what’s really important to me and to make sure I take the time to relax and to find the motivation to train without putting myself under undue pressure. It was also really useful to discuss eating habits and to be given the tools to track my monthly cycle to understand what’s going on with my body and mind and how that can make me feel at different times of the month. I definitely found new focus and feel better armed to deal with what is going to be a hectic time as I change jobs and relocate – thanks Jane. 

Jen Smart

I owe my new-found love for being active again to Jane! Jane always continues to motivate me along the way, whether that’s recommending books, short messages to check in, FaceTime’s and just to offer her genuine support and care to help me and others – She is an amazing role model who doesn’t just talk the talk but literally walks the walk that inspires me to keep getting better!

Andy Heald

Jane has really helped me to make positive changes to my lifestyle and to think about what I want from my goals. Her friendly and professional approach makes you feel comfortable and at ease and her positive attitude is infectious! She has encouraged me to set small goals which has made me feel more focused and empowered to achieve anything I set my mind to. I cant recommend her enough.

Emily Jones

I wouldn’t have been able to finish my half Marathon in March without Jane. She has been an amazing mentor for me on my running journey. Forever grateful for the motivating words and encouragement.

Nicola Lawton

Jane is a fantastic people person and is very skilled in creating and nurturing relationships. Her positivity is infectious and she’s very inspirational in her enthusiasm and dedication to her sport and exercise.

Steve Eastaugh

I feel it’s really important whilst writing this testimonial about Jane to point out that I am not very good at sticking with any form of exercise. The idea seems great but I often lose motivation if I’m honest.

However, after a brilliant first pregnancy but not so great recovery with bad back issues and stomach muscle trauma I knew with my second pregnancy I needed some support and guidance.

Jane has been incredible using the idea of small steps and realistic motivational targets I’ve been practicing yoga throughout this pregnancy and really seen the benefits in terms of my physical and mental wellbeing.

Jane is always on hand if things get a bit tough or advice is needed and more importantly she understands that sometimes I don’t feel like doing the work and comes up with new ways of approaching the situation.

Leanne Jewell

Wow what a journey!

Spending time with Jane has been truly inspirational. I have never met anyone who is so motivated and that really becomes contagious!

Jane spent time listening to what I wanted to achieve and together we set goals to work towards my objectives. I’ve never been one for sticking to exercise but Jane made it fun and varied my schedule each week always encouraging me to push that extra mile but also understood that sometimes things don’t go to plan and was there to offer support and gentle encouragement on the bad days. Obviously the main pull was all the scrummy recipes that Jane provides the carrot cookies are truly amazing!
I struggled baldly with sleep and was getting between 3.5-4 hours a night with Janes help I’m now sleeping 7-8 hours this has truly changed my life.
Jane took the time to research issues and has provided me with tool box of resources that I can take going forward to make a healthier happier me!
I can really say Jane has changed the way I look at things and has helped me gain a positive mindset and a calmer existence. Looking forward to continuing our journey together.
Andrea Mason

Ready to start your journey?

Become a healthier and happier you by contacting me for a friendly chat to start exploring how we can work together.